Six Easy Steps To Create Your Blog
Monday, June 22, 2020
Learn how to create a blog by following easy steps:
1. Choose a blog name.
2. Get your blog online.
3. Customize your blog.
4. Write & publish your first post.
5. Promote your blog.
6. Make money blogging.
1. Choose a Blog name;
Choosing a name for your blog is a very important step because the name of your blog tells readers about who you are and the content you are blogging about. Creation of good content gives a feeling to your visitors, and make them constant visitors to your blog.
How to choose a blog name;
Here are some easy steps on how to choose a blog name:
• Choose your blog niche: Choose a blog name that are related to your blog content, i.e Tech, News, fashion, Entertainment
• Discover your brand: A brand is a look, a feeling, a vibe. How do you want your visitors to see your blog? Do you want to look stylish? Would you rather look affordable and fun? What vibe do you want your blog to have? they more you know what your brand is going to be about, you will have a good understanding of the types of words you should use in your blog name.
• Mix and Match words: You can mix and match different words to come up with a new list of potential blog names that you can choose from.
• Check if the name is available: Once you have your list of potential blog names, you need to check it's availability. Make sure that the domain name ( is available and not being used by someone already. Your web address is very important. It needs to be short, memorable and unqiue.
2. Get your blog online;
The second step in creating a blog, is getting your blog online. In this step, you’ll be selecting the blogging platform and web hosting plan you’ll use to get your blog online.
•Blogging platforms:-
Their are several platforms that allows you to create your blog this includes the following:-
•Web hosting:-
To make your website available and accessible to other people on the Internet, you need a “host.” The host keeps all your website files safe, secure and makes sure that people can access your blog when they click on a link or type in your URL. Some examples of web hosting site are:-
3. Customizing your blog;
Everyone has a different idea of how they want their blog to look. One of the great things about blogger is that you can change the entire layout and design of your site with just a few clicks and design it the way you like it.
There is a number of template that you can be use to design your blog, you can download them online.
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4. Write and publish your first post;
When you are through with your blog post, you can publish it so that the world can view your content. Remember to get more visitors, you need to create a good and catchy content for your blog.
Always before you publish a post you have to preview it in order to make all necessary corrections if any.
5. Promote your blog;
Creating a well-designed blog and writing great content is just the beginning. In order to get visitors for your blog you will need to spend some time promoting it, especially when it.
One of my favorite ways to get visitors to your blog is to post links on social media accounts like Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter. This is great, because not only your friends see the link, but if your friends share the link with their friends it automatically multiplies your visitors. If you have created high-quality content on your blog then social media is a great way for your blog to go viral.
6. Make money blogging;
Once you work hard in creating great blog content and promoting your blog, then making money from your blog is actually the easy part.
But don’t expect that you are going to start making money in the very first week, or in the first month of start. It could take six months to a year to start making an income. Blogging takes work and dedication, but once you develop a large readers, there are several methods you can employ to monetize your blog and make money.
1. Choose a blog name.
2. Get your blog online.
3. Customize your blog.
4. Write & publish your first post.
5. Promote your blog.
6. Make money blogging.
1. Choose a Blog name;
Choosing a name for your blog is a very important step because the name of your blog tells readers about who you are and the content you are blogging about. Creation of good content gives a feeling to your visitors, and make them constant visitors to your blog.
How to choose a blog name;
Here are some easy steps on how to choose a blog name:
• Choose your blog niche: Choose a blog name that are related to your blog content, i.e Tech, News, fashion, Entertainment
• Discover your brand: A brand is a look, a feeling, a vibe. How do you want your visitors to see your blog? Do you want to look stylish? Would you rather look affordable and fun? What vibe do you want your blog to have? they more you know what your brand is going to be about, you will have a good understanding of the types of words you should use in your blog name.
• Mix and Match words: You can mix and match different words to come up with a new list of potential blog names that you can choose from.
• Check if the name is available: Once you have your list of potential blog names, you need to check it's availability. Make sure that the domain name ( is available and not being used by someone already. Your web address is very important. It needs to be short, memorable and unqiue.
2. Get your blog online;
The second step in creating a blog, is getting your blog online. In this step, you’ll be selecting the blogging platform and web hosting plan you’ll use to get your blog online.
•Blogging platforms:-
Their are several platforms that allows you to create your blog this includes the following:-
•Web hosting:-
To make your website available and accessible to other people on the Internet, you need a “host.” The host keeps all your website files safe, secure and makes sure that people can access your blog when they click on a link or type in your URL. Some examples of web hosting site are:-
3. Customizing your blog;
Everyone has a different idea of how they want their blog to look. One of the great things about blogger is that you can change the entire layout and design of your site with just a few clicks and design it the way you like it.
There is a number of template that you can be use to design your blog, you can download them online.
Also Read>> 9 Ideas To Start Small Business Online
4. Write and publish your first post;
When you are through with your blog post, you can publish it so that the world can view your content. Remember to get more visitors, you need to create a good and catchy content for your blog.
Always before you publish a post you have to preview it in order to make all necessary corrections if any.
5. Promote your blog;
Creating a well-designed blog and writing great content is just the beginning. In order to get visitors for your blog you will need to spend some time promoting it, especially when it.
One of my favorite ways to get visitors to your blog is to post links on social media accounts like Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter. This is great, because not only your friends see the link, but if your friends share the link with their friends it automatically multiplies your visitors. If you have created high-quality content on your blog then social media is a great way for your blog to go viral.
6. Make money blogging;
Once you work hard in creating great blog content and promoting your blog, then making money from your blog is actually the easy part.
But don’t expect that you are going to start making money in the very first week, or in the first month of start. It could take six months to a year to start making an income. Blogging takes work and dedication, but once you develop a large readers, there are several methods you can employ to monetize your blog and make money.